Yohan was born on April 1, 1985, in Cuba. In 2011 he had to undertake a long trip to Italy in order to have a better life and future, all this without imagining what would happen and what would mark his path in this country known for being the cradle of fashion. In Italy he was where he met this world of fashion that took him and today he maintains it with his own brand @Yohanlamoda.
In 2015 his destiny would take him to the United States, this is where I met friends who inspired him in his career.
Upon arriving in the United States, he realized that people and his close ones were struck by his way of dressing and it was at that moment that he managed to call him “Yohan la moda” a nickname that continues to accompany him to this day. and with which he feels strongly identified.
His dream is for his brand to grow globally and be strongly recognized, to collaborate with stars and the best artists in the fashion world. His great inspiration when choosing the garments that represent his brand are classic European fashion, he is totally determined when he states that there is no other type of fashion like it and that it is the best by far.
“First of all, I thank God that thanks to him I am achieving my goals and projects.
“To my wife, my daughter, my brother and my family who are a fundamental pillar for me.
“I especially thank Osmani García and Simple Connection who were the first to promote my brand.”
Johan’s words in gratitude for all his achieved goals and especially his family, which he feels is a fundamental pillar in the development of his life, both personally and in work and creativity, in these words he names Osmani Garcia who He was one of the first to wear garments of his brand and thus making it much more known to the world.
One of my most rewarding results and one of the things that fills me the most is being able to work honestly for a culture that I feel proud of and feel that I represent, I feel that it is my passion and it is one of the things that fills me the most as a person.
He affirms that one of the most rewarding results and what fulfills him the most is being able to work honestly in order to achieve a fashion culture of which he is proud, he believes with absolute determination that the world of fashion is his passion and that it is a of the things you most enjoy doing in your life. That generates more satisfaction and more fills you as a person.
This is how Yohan, who was born in Cuba, was later forced by destiny to emigrate to Italy and then to the United States. But that in the course of this he discovered his passion and definitive vocation which would make him continue working hard at that time and until today to put the name of his personal brand at the top. but with a very clear and defined objective, which is to create a fashion culture that is very positive for everyone.