The latest and greatest trend in drinks today seems to be none other than ready-to-drink (RTD)
adult beverages. As on-premise consumption of alcoholic beverages declines due to global trends
consumers are increasingly turning to simple solutions to the problem and RTDs are the one stop
shop for drinkers. As typical canned beverages continue to flood the market there is a crafty new
format that seems to be trickling into the market – boxed cocktails.

One of the latest brands about to take the world by storm, Booz Box Cocktails, is gearing up for a
fashionable entrance into the up-and-coming market of RTD beverages. Booz Box Cocktails has
emerged with three deliciously unique flavors packaged into a self-dispensing 1.75L bag encased in
a slender colorful, fun cardboard box. With over 14 cocktails per box at a whopping 15% ABV per
serving, the boxed cocktail is a bang for your buck retailing at under $2 per cocktail. The brand has
worked tirelessly to source all-natural ingredients to ensure that the taste emulates a high-quality
craft cocktail without sacrificing the price. Fortunately, they’ve done just that – in style.

At this point, you may be asking yourself “where can I get a Booz Box?” The brand was launched in
July 2020 by three roommates in Jersey City, New Jersey. The three founders Austin Hunter,
Norman Strobel and Ryan Provost created the unique concept during the pandemic lockdown in an
effort to solve the issues of off-premise consumption. They dreamed up a fun, innovative way to
drink high quality cocktails in a social setting.
When asked about the flavors Norman Strobel, a cocktail mixologist for over 10 years, told us “I
had some fun with this. We went with a unique pineapple flavored derivative of a mule, a refreshing
gin-based watermelon flavor and my personal favorite a strawberry flavored rum cocktail.” Austin
Hunter, the head of marketing added that “the idea is to create a product you can take home, share
with your friends, bring on a boat, roll up to a party with… Booz Box is an all in one solution – and
it’s delicious.”
The trio of founders have worked together closely to create the perfect packaging, the most ideal
flavors, cutting-edge marketing campaigns and partnerships that will bring Booz Box Cocktails to
shelves in a big way. Co-founder Ryan Provost noted “the most important thing to us is that people
have fun with this product – what’s better than that? We are strategizing with our partners to create
the perfect launch and our goal is to have Booz Box Cocktails in every store.” The three founders,
alongside their trusty advisors, have solidified countless partnerships that will come to fruition
during their initial launch.
It’s impossible to argue the practicality that Booz Box Cocktails brings to the table – and the taste
seals the deal. This exciting, new product is aiming to be on the shelves by late spring or early
summer of 2022. Be sure to keep an eye out for Booz Box Cocktails when you’re shopping for your
party this summer – you surely won’t miss it on the shelves!